The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICMEJuly 14 - 18, 2008, Mexico City,MEXICO.The HPM 2008 is the seventh quadrennial meeting of the International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogyof Mathematics (the HPM Group), affiliated to ICMI. It is a satellite meeting of the corresponding ICME International Congress on Mathematical Education and is scheduled close to ICME. The
HPM 2008 is a place where mathematicians, educators, historians, researchers and students, can make presentations and participate in discussions. The programme and activities are structured around the following
main themes:
1. Integrating the History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education.
2. Topics in the History of Mathematics Education.
3. Mathematics and its relation to science, technology and the arts: historical issues and educational implications.
4. Cultures and Mathematics.
5. Historical, philosophical and epistemological issues in Mathematics Education.
6. Mathematics from the Americas